About AlfaPellets – Premium Lucerne Pellets

AlfaPellets Pty Ltd is located outside of Biloela in the Callide Valley, residing in the Banana Shire. A Shire with a strong and established Agriculture and Agribusiness history.

Alfapellets manufactures premium quality pellets from locally grown lucerne.

Company Directors:

Ken & Cindy Muller – Long tern Lucerne growers with decades of experience in the Cattle and lucerne industry. Understanding other producers needs for their Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Goats.

Tony Davison – Tony is a long-time businessman with interests in grazing and agriculture.

Phillip Casey – Phillip has extensive business experience. Phillip is the Principal Consultant and Owner of Economic Development Services Central Queensland, and was instrumental in the development of the Squab Industry and Herb Industry in the Callide Valley.